Cakewalk Sonar Software Collection (2006-2009)

sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010 ·

* Cakewalk Sonar 6.2.1
* Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer
* Update to Cakewalk Sonar Producer 8.3.1
* Cakewalk Sonar Home Studio 4.0.1 Portable
* Cakewalk Sonar 8 Plugins Bundle VST v1.0 (set of plug-ins)
* Cakewalk Sonar tutorials (Interactive Guide)

Additional Information:
* Cakewalk Sonar 6.2.1
Medicine in the file Beat. Nfo

* Update to Cakewalk Sonar Producer 8.3.1
1) install the first Producer831Patch
2) then SONAR 8.3 Producer Content Revision B Update
3) These patches contain all previous updates for sonar 8 producer
3) do not personalize
4) working serial numbers
5) working registration codes

* Cakewalk Sonar 8 Plugins Bundle VST v1.0 (set of plug-ins)
1. LP-64 EQ linear phase mastering EQ - linear-phase parametric equalizer for mastering.
2. LP-64 Multiband linear phase multiband limiter / compressor - a fivefold multibend compressor for mastering.
3. Boost 11 peak limiter - final peak limiter for mastering.
4. TL-64 Tube Leveler - tube leveler-heater for mastering.
5. TS-64 Transient Shaper - transient shaper, working with the envelope of sound.
6. Channel Tools L / R-sample delay and Panwidth - plug-in for working with stereo and some simple TOOLS.


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